Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Ok, after multiple complaints and concerns, here is a new entry. (wow, the last one was in February). Well, here are some reasons and/or excuses. I was teaching a 2 year old MDO class 2 days a week. Between lessons and individual scrapbooks, I had little spare time or energy. Plus, we began a complete remodel of our downstairs. A project expected to take 2-3 weeks, managed to stretch out over 2 months. At one point, we had a tub and toilet on the driveway, a fridge on the front porch and a microwave set up in the yard. It was great...NOT!! Here are before and after pics.

1 comment:

Pwood said...

Great Job mom, the house looks great. I am not sure if we will even recognize it when we go back. Also, is it childproof? Luckily It won't be our child that destroys it, it will be the Jeffers Baby!!